App Testing

Before we launch our latest apps we accurately test them to make sure that they work optimally. The following information is important for our internal, alpha- and beta-testers. Stay tuned, when we are close to publishing a new app, we might post an opt-in link on this site!


As soon as the main functions and user interface of a new app are drafted, we submit it on Google Play for an alpha-test. It won't be visible for the public yet, as it is still too unpredictable. Our alpha-testers provide us with feedback and report bugs to us, to ensure that we can fix and launch the app as quickly as possible.

Contact us via our e-mail address if you want to become one of our alpha-testers!


After improving and thoroughly checking the quality of our application we submit it for beta-tests. Everyone can opt-in a beta test without registration. We are grateful for every tester who wants to check out our new apps! You can send us feedback via our e-mail address.

Currently, no app is available for beta-testing. If we submit an app to beta-testing, the link will be posted here.

Terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions must be accepted and met if you want to alpha- or beta-test our applications:

General Terms and Conditions:

Every tester of our application agrees to the following criteria:

  • I acknowledge that the application was developed by Strawbear Studios and that all rights are reserved to them

  • I am aware of it that Strawbear Studios reserves the right to add and remove testers with our without giving a reason

  • I agree to only use the app myself and for testing purposes. I won't try to make any changes to the app.

  • Strawbear Studios is the sole publisher of this app. I won't try to make any claim to the app nor attempt to publish it as my own.

Ads in test applications:

To test the overall functionality of our Applications, some apps might contain ads, as they will also be implemented in their public version. Albeit alpha- and beta-testers will be exposed to these advertisements, some significant differences to the public ads occur:

  • The ads shown in test versions of an app aren't personalized, only demo ads are used for testing the functionality and user-friendliness of our Applications.

  • Even if the users are exposed to privacy and ads personalization choices, their selection won't be saved and won't have any impact on the ads they are shown. As previously mentioned, all ads are only demos.

IAPs (In-App Purchases)

Some Applications developed by Strawbear Studios integrate In-App Stores or different features that can be purchased with actual money. As we want to make sure that our Applications work properly, their test versions might also include IAPs. IAPs in alpha- and beta-versions are often only used experimentally and the users won't be charged if they decide to make a 'purchase'. When opening the panel for purchasing in a test-version, the user is informed about the actual costs they are charged (if the IAP is not for free) before the purchase takes place.

Every alpha- or beta-tester confirms to have read and to agree to these terms and conditions:

  • The testers are granted access to items and functions that can be purchased, but they may not

      • try to alter, copy, decode or distribute files or server-entries which save app-specific data

      • share the test version with any person not involved in the production or testing unless explicit permission was given by Strawbear Studios

  • The testers may:

      • continue to use the test version even if the app was submitted to production on the Google Play Store

      • contact Strawbear Studios and ask for a refund if an IAP, which they paid actual money for, doesn't work

  • In case of violation of this agreement, Strawbear Studios reserves the right to:

      • ban a user from continuing to use this or another app produced by Strawbear Studios

  • take legal actions if the violation has a drastic impact on the business of Strawbear Studios (e.g. causing severe financial losses)